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Socialism is the new monarchy

Socialism has for a long time been presented as something new, a radical idea on how to govern a nation. But I have for about fifty years contemplated one mystery: why does the promises of socialism never deliver the promised benefits. Not in Sweden, and not in any other nation where socialism has been attempted. I do not want to accept the common whitewashing, that "it was not real socialism". In Wikipedia there are listed 63 existing and former socialist states on this page.

Philosophical Insights

Philosophy is a big topic, and recounting the names of all branches would take a little to much space here. I am interested in some philosophical topics, mainly: political philosophy, Chinese philosophy, and the history of science. Often it is shocking and quiet interesting what kind of insights you can get just by looking on some problem or topic just by changing your point of view.

Here you can find information about some of my insights.

Search Engine Optimization

Anything you can do in order to pull visitors into your web site is called Search Engine Optimization, or shorter SEO. I would like to make my web site as popular as I can, but without spending a ton of money. Alas, I am not any kind of expert on SEO but rather a rank amateur in the field. However, why let this stop me from trying? I decided to buy the book "Drupal 8 SEO: The visual step-by-step guide to Drupal Search Engine Optimization" by Ben Finklea.

This Web site

This web page is of cause an important part of my computer science lab. Having prior experience with the content management system Drupal, I chose to continue to use it in my web site as well. The last version I worked with was Drupal 7 and the latest is Drupal 9 as of 2022. An upgrade of my skills was apparently necessary anyways.


Flowers and the Bible at the Acts

This image celebrates Pentecost. T Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday.The holyday commemorates the decent of the holy spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Christ.

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