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One of the biggest Holidays of the year is of cause Cristmas day, and it's celebrated on December the 25:th all over the world.

A naitivity scene with three mages and a camel at the left, holy family center, and a shepard with two angels to the right.

The nativity scene has been a part of Christmas celebration since the early 13:th century. According to wikipedia is Saint Francis of Assisi credited with creating the first nativity scene in 1223 in order to cultivate the worship of Christ. The scene has been popular since, and have inspired communities throughout Christian countries to stage similar exhibitions.

The scene is centered around the holy family: with Mary, Joseph, and the newborn child Jesus. To the left you can se the three Magi in front of the well, with one of their camels. At the right side you can see a shepherd and two angels. In the stable you can also see: a donkey, an ox, and three sheep.

There is many ways to arrange a nativity scene, and elements may be added or ignored. But a common trend is to take the description in the beginning of the Gospel of Luke as a starting point. A donkey and an ox are very typical, and the Magi and their camels described in the Gospel of Matthew. Many include the star of Bethlehem, and several cultures add other characters that may or may not be Biblical.

So Merry Christmas everyone, and take a few minutes to read the Christmas Gospel in Luke 2 as a reminder of why we celebrate Christmas. Even if you are not a Cristian, for it is so deeply rooted in the culture of Europe and have spread to many other parts of the world. We should all celebrate our own culture now and then, even if it's a good idea to show respect for other cultures as well. Only the one who has no roots in hes or her own culture feel an need to look down on the culture of other people, for the disregard of other cultures has it's root in envy and ignorance.